How I spent my Easter Vacation. This past weekend Tony, his girlfriend Laura, Clare and I took a jaunt to Indiana to celebrate Easter with my family. It was quite fun, I enjoy going home and spending some quiet time with my parents and animals. My cat Tipper is really fat now and it's funny. Chip is as rambunctious as ever, though getting greyer around his eyes.
Windmills just south of Rockford, IL.Friday we got home in time to get some food. Clare and I took pictures at the old graveyard. It was rather sad, there were a lot of infant graves. Though it was cool to see really old head stones, mostly from the mid 1800s. After we got back there was a rousing game of Trivial Pursuit, where I strategically chose Clare as my partner because I knew she would kick ass. And we won.
Anne Death's death was no laughing matter. Nor did anyone see it coming.Saturday was a bit entertaining. Tony's friends who go to Purdue, Jon and Peter came for a visit. We decided to take the ATV Dad had purchased a few weeks ago for a ramble through the woods while Mom and Dad hid eggs for the egg hunt. It started all well and fine, we were having a good time. Until I decided to try my hand at the wheel and travelling up a steep embankment with a curve. My lack of experience driving 4-wheelers/anything with a motor for the past 7 months came into play when I didn't let off the throttle, didn't turn hard enough, and missed the brake. I hit a bump (that bump that occurs when you go off a trail), flew off, and rolled down the hill a bit until I hit a small tree. The ATV hit a larger tree.
After.The amazing thing about this fall is that despite flying through the air aways, hitting the ground, and rolling down a hill - I'm okay. I was super sore and in lots of pain Saturday, but that's mostly gone away. I probably have a total of 4 small bruises. The most injured part of my body is my right foot that got all scratched up because somehow my shoe AND sock fell off. So now I'm just horrified that I managed to break something really expensive. Though the ATV starts now, it'll probably cost a lot to fix it. Not to mention how
un-fun it is to push something like that up a hill.
After we finally made it back to the house, we had our Easter egg hunt, which was loads of fun as usual. Then we had delicious dinner. That night we watched
The Wind that Shakes the Barley, which made my day, even if we had to keep stopping it to let the DVD cool down.
The ride home was incredibly not fun, especially since my muscles were really stiff, and got stiffer the more I didn't move. Also, now I have a healthy fear of anything with a motor. The whole time I was driving I kept feeling like I was going to lose control of the car and we'd all go flying into a ditch. So I'm really glad I don't drive, and that I power my own way of getting around on my bike.
Things that make me happy: Tony got a Peachy-Pooh finally from Maple Corner.
Not as delicious as it sounds.I also flossed last night.