Truer words have never been written:
"What the Pew poll reflects is a profound disappointment in America’s failure to live up to its own ideals and standards."
To put it in a very American way, as a country we are all talk and no walk. And I am sorely disappointed.
This sentiment stems from the fact that I really enjoy reading about history. I like learning where I come from, how life has changed, what great things the people of the world have done against incredible odds. Even after taking a course on US history in the the public education system I was ashamed of where I come from. After learning about how racist immigration policies have been, how Lincoln "freed" the slaves with no aim to actually liberate them, how our government repeatedly lies to the people of our nation; I've become a bit more jaded with history. Not history as a subject, because it is important to learn the truth behind the lies, even if they do come 30 years after the fact. I've become angry at our history as a nation because it lingers and continues. Our history of lies and deceit from the government is a reality that continues to this day. These lies have terrible consequences for the poor and working class at home, and everywhere America "fights" abroad.
One subject that really bothers me is immigration reform and this bullshit proposal that thankfully failed. Yes, legalizing the status for many immigrants would be wonderful, as most are not a burden on our society (just like most legal citizens are not a burden). But that bill did not address the actual cause of so many immigrants from Latin America and other parts of the world. Instead of toppling democratically elected governments and supporting brutal dictatorships, our government could support democracy, thereby creating fewer refugees fleeing from death squads in their homelands. American companies should support their employees and not create sweatshops that pay below poverty wages. Americans glorify capitalism and a free market, well, then our corporations abroad need to not complain anytime a new government of a Latin American country steps in and doesn't support your brutal ways.
If America is ever to be respected again then it needs to truly support and nurture democracy, peace, and freedom. Our government is merely giving lip service to the ideals this country was founded on, and it is time for people like you and me to stand up and do something about it.
1 comment:
Glad to see that you are thinking and not accepting the norm. I am looking forward to a discussion on immigration.
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