Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I had my last lecture today. My last lecture of the semester. My last lecture of my undergraduate career. Possibly the last lecture I will ever have to sit through again. I'm still in the process of realizing what this means. There is still work to do in the next week, but after that... there isn't any work to do.

Well, there is the work of finding work. But I'm done with school, and for the first time in about 16 years I wont have homework to do.

At any rate, I was thinking about this whole transition process and how it's actually quite scary when I got some interesting mail. I received a Carlson School Alumni magazine! I'm not even done with finals yet! I feel old. But, getting the Alumni magazine made me laugh. In reality, this whole "leaving what I'm comfortable" thing isn't that bad.

And I'm glad to know that I'll be able to keep up with what's going on at Carlson.

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