It's not my birthday for a few more weeks, but it's never too early to show off the awesome early gifts I got. From my parents, I got new bike shoes. From Andy, I got new clip less pedals so that I could use my new shoes. Here's me in Oakdale yesterday after Andy and I stopped for lunch. That tube is from my Camelbak, it works really well rigged up like that. I'm pointing at my awesome shoes.

These are my new pedals!

The ride was a tough one, I haven't gone on a long ride in a while. We traveled up the Gateway trail to a pizza place in Oakdale. Then back down the Gateway Trail, along Lake Phalen then Bruce Vento trail back to Summit to Minneapolis. It wasn't a tough route, I was just out of shape. The trail through Swede Hollow was really pretty and full of cool old buildings. I'll be enjoying more rides this summer. Possibly even some bamping (bike camping).
I'll post canoe pictures later!
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