Friday, July 3, 2009

A Day Off!

Today I got the day off for 4th of July. I'm excited to hang around and not do too much. Andy and I are going for a bike ride. For my birthday my mom got me new clip less bike shoes and Andy got me new pedals for my Trek (Maddy). It feels great to be able to pedal down and up! I've been practicing my upstroke, it's wonderful. I haven't fallen yet, but I almost did once. I forgot what kind of pedals I had and when I was getting off my bike in the driveway, my feet wouldn't leave the pedals. I got out of them before I fell down though.

After our bike ride we'll probably go for a paddle in the canoe, one more time before the big trip. Andy might haul it out before Tuesday, we need all the practice we can get.

Work is going good, the hiring is slowing down and so I can focus more on training. I'm working on revamping the trainings and making orientation more interesting and effective. It's the sort of thing I really enjoy doing.

Off to go biking!


Tony! said...

Hurray for liking work!
Keep practicing cause dad and I will be paddling circles around you!

Unknown said...

Them's fightn' words.